Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Justified Season 7 Episode 11 Fugitive Number One

Rachel is in command in the Marshall’s office, trying to get more help for the massive hunt for Ava or “suspect number one.”  A newly bald Art walks in and is trying to take the blame for losing track of the money and Ava.  Boyd is reportedly in the hospital.  Art tries to reassure Rachel there is a way out of this mess.  He offers, “You did something that I never could, you got Boyd Crowder.”

Raylan pays the wounded Boyd a visit.  The doctor is busy telling him he’s a lucky so-and-so to be alive because the bullet hit his collarbone.  Raylan wants credit for saving Boyd.  Boyd doesn’t think his actions were so heroic, “You handcuffed me to a bumper and took off to chase Ava!”

Boyd tells Raylan if he can be released, they can track down the money and Ava to “find a solution to our common problem.” Raylan asks, “What if Markham gets to her first? Are you ok with the retribution he would give her?” Boyd doesn’t answer but tells him to find Ava’s uncle, her most likely accomplice.

Ava and Zachariah scale the rough backwoods terrain dragging behind them the two duffle bags containing the ten million.  They stop at a mine rescue station to gain shelter.  Zachariah knows there are “moonshine” trails they could use but they need a guide named Grubes.

Katherine enters Markham’s suite talking on the phone to Wynn’s bodyguard Mikey. It appears Markham has decided not to kill her for her schemes.  Avery muses, “I can usually smell a rotten bloom, but you my dear are Presidential Kush.” (I suppose that’s a compliment and pot reference.)  Katherine informs him she’s learned Wynn killed her husband Grady.  Avery is surprised.  Katherine discloses her source is Wynn’s man Mikey.

Avery is troubled he was Katherine’s “mark.”  She assures him he was at first, but then she fell in love with him all over again. Avery places his hands menacingly around her neck, “I love you but I don’t trust you.”  He then loosens his grip, pondering, “I hope that you would do the same for me.” (Avenge my death.) He tells her to go and get the money and he’ll give her Wynn’s head as a wedding present. (Game of Thrones style!)

Wynn is handcuffed and dazed in the “douche mobile.”  Wynn offers to give Mikey a more equal position, even letting him be the passenger sometimes.  Mikey is unmoved and turns up the music.  He states, “You’re a rat and rats get exterminated!”

Loretta heads into her Jeep and is surprised by Boon lurking in the back seat.  He’s removed her gun from its hiding place in the car.  Boon makes a speech about the history of marriage and the importance of making alliances.  Loretta is unmoved. Boon spells out the deal, side with Markham and they’ll watch her back.  She refuses. Boon adds, “I like that you’ve got fire in your belly. Just don’t let it burn the sense out of your brain.”

Tim and Raylan comb the mountains for signs of Ava and Zachariah.  Raylan thinks Zachariah’s plan will be to take Ava out through an abandoned mine in which he worked for many years.  Raylan looks up the hill to see the “rescue station.”  The Marshalls appear to be hot on their trail.

Carl and Earl are telling their fantastic story to other criminals in the holding area. Earl interrupts to say they were set up, by Katherine and Wynn, to be captured.  The brothers get an unexpected visit from a heavily armed Boon and menacing Avery. Avery tells the brothers Boyd used them as pawns in his scheme to kidnap Katherine and run away with all the money.  Avery makes an “offer they can’t refuse”; they’ll release Carl to get Boyd to cough up the location of the money.  If he refuses or fails, they’ll kill Earl.

Raylan and a wide array of law enforcement spread out to search for Ava.  They enter the rescue station.  It’s empty but there are signs its been recently inhabited. Plans are made to add helicopters to the search.

Vasquez is livid at Art and Rachel for allowing Raylan to continue to work the Crowder case in which he has a clear conflict of interest. “Your Marshall and his girlfriend stole ten million dollars!”  He thinks Raylan’s behavior will end not only his career but Art’s as well.  Vasquez goes as far to suggest Art is “getting a cut” of Markham’s money.  Art decides to ignore this wild suggestion but immediately calls Raylan to return to Lexington.

On the other end of the conversation, Raylan dismissed the suggestion he helped Ava escape as “utter horseshit.”  Raylan urges Art to allow him to board a helicopter to search for Ava.  Art insists he return to the office immediately.

Outside of Boyd’s hospital room, a uniformed sheriff’s deputy tells the Marshall stationed at the door Raylan is waiting for him outside.  Once the Marshall is gone, Carl and the deputy enter Boyd’s room.  Carl punches the deputy, to “make it look real.” Carl is angry with Boyd for duping him so he’d get arrested.  Carl demands to know the location of the money, stating Markham is holding his brother.

“Get me out of here and we can split the money fifty-fifty. Five million dollars!”  Carl considers this and decides to assist Boyd.  Boyd dresses in the injured deputy’s uniform.  Carl wonders how they are going to leave the hospital undetected. “Nobody will notice in all the chaos.” Boyd insists.

“What chaos?” Carl asks, and then Boyd shoots him in the chest.  Carl isn’t a “lucky so-and-so” and falls down dead.  Boyd waltzes out the fire escape yelling, “There’s been a shooting, everybody out!”  The Marshall realizes he’s been duped but it’s too late, Boyd is gone.

Raylan and Tim arrive at the hospital in the aftermath of the shooting.  Tim is suspicious of Raylan’s impeccable timing.  Tim echoes Art’s orders to return to the office.

Boon informs Markham that Carl is dead and Boyd has escaped from the hospital. Markham instructs him to get Earl out of prison. (And kill him.)  Markham seems weary but says, “A deal’s a deal.”

Raylan beats Boon to Earl.  A tense exchange occurs between the “dirty officer” and Raylan.  During the course of this conversation, Earl learns his elder brother is dead. Earl looks very scared as he leaves with Raylan.

Katherine arrives to meet Mikey in the “douche mobile.”  (Sorry, I just love that term for the RV.)  With Pachelbel's Canon in D blasting in the background, Katherine asks Mikey for his gun.  She asks Wynn if he prefers to be killed from the front or the back, and makes reference to giving his head to Avery as a wedding gift.  Mikey suddenly realizes Katherine is about to execute the man who’s been like a father to him. He heroically tackles Katherine. She manages to shoot the big guy, but he manages to crush her windpipe before he dies.  Wynn cradles his “son” in his arms as he dies.  Wynn makes an emotional call to 911.

“What’s your emergency?” Wynn cries, “I don’t know where to start!”

Raylan enters the Pizza Portal to speak to Avery.  Boon is waiting with his new custom made black hat. The two cowboys, complete with white and black hats respectively play a tense game of “chicken.”  Avery interrupts instructing Boon to back down. Boon makes a disgusting comment of how aroused the near mortal stand off has made him. (Wish he would die already but two more episodes to go!)
Raylan offers Markham a solution.  If he would leave money and Harlan behind they could work together to put away Boyd Crowder for good.  Avery says he’s staying in Harlan and beginning his new life with Katherine.  Raylan informs him that his fiancé died thirty minutes ago in Wynn’s RV.  Avery is speechless for once.

Raylan returns to the car to check on Earl.  He’s badly shaken and confused.  He doesn’t want to testify knowing Markham’s men will kill him.  Earl threatens to kill Avery first to avenge his brother.  Raylan reminds him he has to take this kind of talk seriously.  He offers to place Earl in protective custody if he testifies.  Earl remembers when Boyd was planning to help Walker escape he spoke of “pig shit trucks and a man named Grubes.”

Ava and Zachariah find Grubes’ shack in the woods.  The smell is ominous as they enter the cluttered space.  Grubes lies mummified on the floor.  Ava groans in disgust and aggravation.  (Is there a plan B?)

Art phones Raylan again upset he still has not returned to the office.  Raylan states, “I’ll come back when I get the money, Ava and Boyd.” Art shoots back, “You better or I’ll be the one hunting you down!”

It’s a tall order to capture Boyd and Ava and the money.  I don’t think Raylan can accomplish his goal without some major casualties.  This is rogue cowboy behavior to the extreme, but the showdown for all the major characters will unfold in the next two episodes.  It’s sure to be a helluva ride.

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