Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 1, The Wars to Come

Full disclosure, I have read the roughly eight thousand page series of the “The Song of Fire and Ice.” I understand the show has promised to deviate from the books.  I shall make every attempt to not sound like Sam gushing, “The thing about Gilly (the books) is..” A good series or movie should be able to stand on its own merits and, while I loved the books, I’m looking forward to some differences. (Especially with all the rape and endless journeys.)

The season opens with two girls walking in the woods.  One of the girls is blonde and bossy, obviously a young Cersei. The girls come upon a rustic dwelling in the woods, the home of a mysterious witch. The girls approach on Cersei’s insistence. Cersei asks the witch to tell her the future, the witch obliges after obtaining a drop of Cersei’s blood. 

She asks if she’ll marry the prince. (She was betrothed to Rhanger, who ended up secretly marrying Lysa Stark who in turn is likely Jon Snow’s mother.) The witch says, “You will never marry a prince, but you will marry a king.” Cersei then asks if she will become queen.  The witch laughs and says yes.  Cersei asks if she will have children.  The old woman cackles, “He will have twenty but you shall have three. Each with a gold crown then a  golden shroud!”  Cersei is confused and frightened, then she and her companion run away.

In the present time, Cersei arrives at her father’s funeral and stands next to Jaime.  She tells him, “What he built, it’s ours!” Jaime isn’t so sure the Lannister’s will last without dear old dad.  Cersei vents at the Kingslayer, “Tryrion was our enemy and you set him free! You killed father!”  She kisses his stone cold forehead and leaves the chapel.

Tyrion has made it to Pentos. He’s angry from having had to make the long sea voyage in a crate. Vary’s has accompanied him there.  The “Master of Whispers” never does anything selfless, and he confesses Tyrion will stay with a friend of the Tarygareon’s there, Ilyo. Tyrion has attempted to drown his present situation with sour wine, but will have to discover how to navigate his new life in a distant land. He wonders out loud, “Are you still a lord if you’ve killed your father?”

In Myreen, the golden statue of the “Harpie” is toppled as the Unsullied patrol the streets.  An Unsullied enters a brothel and pays a woman to hold him and sing.  In next second, his throat is cut by a golden-masked man.

Khalesi is informed of the murder of “White Rat,” as the man was known.  She demands the man be buried in a sacred place in Myreen to send the locals a message.  Daenery’s servant Missandei questions Grey Worm about visiting brothels. (She’d rather he came to her instead is the unspoken implication.)

At Castle Black, Jon Snow is busy training the remaining recruits.  Ser Allister walks past, his hatred towards Jon and the Wildlings evident. Sam and Gilly look on.  Jon is summoned to speak to the “King in Residence,” Stannis Baratheon.

Stannis admires Jon’s pluck in the recent battle, but has to bait the young Crow by talking about Winterfell where Roose Bolton’s bastard rules.  Stannis has also learned of the special funeral Jon gave Ygritte north of the Wall.  Stannis tells Jon he wants to raise a Wildling army.  Stannis wants Jon to persuade Mance Rayder to “bend a knee” to him, and thus get the Wildlings to back him.  Jon knows that Mance will never bow before any king.

A dark haired Sansa and Littlefinger watch Robin Arryn practice fighting.  Lord Royce has agreed to look after the boy while Littlefinger is away.   Robin may be the heir, but he was breast-feeding until his mother took flight out the Moon Door last season.

Podrick is sticking to Brienne like a bloodstain.  After losing Arya and fighting the Hound, she just wants to be alone.  Podrick has sworn to be her squire but Brienne insists she’s no knight.  Podrick reminds her of the promise she made to Jaime to find the Stark girls.  She notes that Arya didn’t want her protection. “The good Lords are dead, the rest are monsters.” As she speaks, the carriage carrying Littlefinger and Sansa rolls past in the distance.

Sansa and Littlefinger are in a carriage, traveling west.  She wonders where they are going, all he tells her is they are going to a land “far away from Cersei.”

Loras Tyrell tells Cersei about what a great man Tywin Lannister was.  She sees straight through his faux condolences.  Cersei’s cousin Lancel Lannister is now a monk.  She wonders what he wants from her.  Cousin Lancel wants her forgiveness for assisting in King Bathereon’s murder and their “un-natural” relationship.  Cersei laughs in his face.

Loras is canoodling with the Red Vipers former “boy-toy” Olyvar. (Appreciate the addition of consensual sex in the show as opposed to the books.) Margaery enters, major “sister interruptus.”  She seems less impressed then impressed with his new lover. She tells Loras to not keep his “intended” waiting.  Loras feels all bets are off after the death of Papa Lannister.

Tyrion and Varys talk about his future.  Tyrion feels like he doesn’t have much of a future without his gold and position. Varys tries to cheer him up.  He feels that Tyrion has a role to play in the upcoming war for the Iron Throne.  Tyrion has no interest in sitting on the Iron Throne. Varys persists, “Let’s go to HER and help her gain the throne.”

Nobleman named Hizdarh zo Loraq has returned from Yunkai with news the slave owners will free their slaves, but they ask something in return. He implores her to reopen the “fighting pits.”  Khalesi is appalled at this request after the freeing the slaves in both cities.  Danny consults her lover Daario.  He tells her he was sold into slavery at a young age and gained glory in the fighting pits.  Later he joined the mercenary army the “Second Sons.”  Khalesi is worried how she will rule, especially since Rhaengar has disappeared.  Later she goes to visit the remaining two dragons, which are being kept in a dark dungeon so they don’t kill any more children. The dragons are restless mad teenagers.

Jon visits Mance to try to convince him to swear allegiance to Stannis. Mance says he respects Stannis but refuses to kneel before any man.  Jon tries to explain the only way to save the Wildlings is to gain Stannis’ protection.  Mance explains he’s not afraid to die, but is dismayed he is to be burned alive. (As a sacrifice to Lord of Light.) Jon knows when the White Walkers come, all is lost.

Mance seems resigned to his fate, “All I ever wanted was the freedom to make my own mistakes.” He doesn’t relish the thought of the indignity of being burned, but it’s still better than surrenders.

Mance walks on to the pyre.  Melisandre makes a cryptic speech about those who reject the “Lord of Light.”  The queen and her scaly daughter watch the proceedings. (Take your daughter to the execution day?) Melisandre implores the free folk to join with Stannis.  Mance begins to burn, slowly.  Suddenly an arrow shoots Mance in the heart. Jon Snow does know something after all! Ygritte would be proud.

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