Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Game of Thrones Season 5, episode 2, The House of Black and White

Expectations for this season have been very high.  The show has promised to keep even the book readers guessing.  But after two episodes I’m wondering how well the story can be adapted for the small screen.  It’s hard to keep track of over a hundred characters.  The current format keeps both the characters and the stories superficial, due to the whiplash pacing.  In short, I’m not impressed, yet.

The episode opens with Arya sailing under the massive guardian warrior of Braavos. (Is there anything under his kilt, I kept daring Arya to look up.)  Arya takes in the scenery around her, fishing boats and markets.  Braavos to me is analogous to Greece.  Arya is rowed to the House of Black and White.  A curious hooded man opens the door.  Arya presents her coin and utters the oath, only to have the door slammed in her face.  Arya waits in front of the curious building, alone and confused muttering her “death prayer.”

Brienne and Podrick stop at a village tavern.  Sansa asks Littlefinger about the scroll he received in the previous episode. Littlefinger states “My marriage proposal has been accepted.” (It’s unclear to whom.)  Podrick sees Sansa and Littlefinger at a nearby table.  Brienne goes over to confront Littlefinger and offer her “protection” to Sansa Stark.  Littlefinger cruelly lists Brienne’s failure to protect Renly Baratheon and Catelin Stark. Brienne offers her allegiance to Sansa.  Sansa coldly notes Brienne knelt before King Joffery at his ill-fated nuptials.  She commands the pair to leave.

Brienne tries to release some of Littlefinger’s horses as she and Podrick flee.  A crazy horse chase through the woods ensues.  Brienne is able to slay a man in order to save Podrick.  After the melee ends, Podrick wonders if Brienne is free of her vow to Catelyn Stark since both her daughters have refused her protection.  Brienne doesn’t  acknowledge his statement and orders him to retrieve his horse.

Cersei calls Jaime to her room. She has received an upsetting “gift” from Dorne.  It is a golden box, which opens to reveal a preserved red viper with Mycella’s golden necklace hanging from its throat.  It is clearly a threat from Elia Sand the widow of the “Red Viper” who died fighting the Mountain.  Cersei yells about trying to protect their eldest daughter but Jaime begs her to lower her voice.  If the truth were known about their children, the Lannister’s would be removed from rule.  Jaime offers to go to Dorne.  Cersei cruelly observes “What good is a one handed knight alone?”  Jaime says he doesn’t plan on going alone.

Bronn and a young woman walk on the beach. He’s distracted as she babbles.  Bronn spies Jamie in the distance. He introduces Lolly as his fiancé.  Brone shoos her away, so he may talk to Jaime.  Its revealed Brone is marrying Lolly for a castle and title.  But Cersei has now promised Lolly’s hand to another one of her crony knights.  Jamie offers him a “better girl and a better castle” if he’ll do him a favor.  Bronn can’t say no to Lannister gold.

Mycella is seen walking the beautiful gardens of Dorne. (Dorne reminds me of Italy culturally and weather wise.) Ellaria Sand approaches Prince Doran, who rules from a wheelchair due to his crippling gout. Ellaria is very angry there has been no “justice” for the Red Viper.  The Prince points out that no crime was committed since he offered to participate in “Trial by Combat.”  She and her five daughters, know as the “Sand Snakes” are angry and restless with the prince’s inaction.

Grey Worm and Daario search for the murderous “Sons of the Harpy.”  They enter a seemingly empty room.  Grey Worm is about to leave when Daario points out the Unsullied have been trained not to fear and are at a disadvantage facing men who are afraid. Daario stabs the wall to prove his point and locates the suspect who was hiding.

Khalesi meets with her advisors.  They discuss slavery and the unrest in Myreen.  Ser Barrister pulls Khalesi aside and speaks of her father the “Mad King.”  He recounts how the King burned his enemies alive.  The Mad King’s actions almost wiped out the Targaryen line.  Danny considers this and decides to give the “Son of the Harpy” murderer a fair trial.

Varys and Tyrion ride in an elegant carriage on the road to Volantis, and from there on to Daenerys.  Varys remembers Tyrion was a good “Hand of the King.”  Tyrion remembers how his lover Shae pleaded with him to leave Westeros. He muses if he should have gone long ago. Varys offers that the worlds need men like them, men who offer counsel to the rulers. Tyrion is unmoved by his speech and is determined to drink himself to death. Varys advises him to stay hidden because Cersei has put a price on his head. Tyrion scoffs, “Is she going to kill every dwarf in the Seven Kingdoms?”

As if on cue, Cersei is presented with a dwarf’s head, which is clearly not Tyrion.  She isn’t terribly upset, “mistakes will happen.” Qyburn, her new advisor, wishes to have the head for his experiments. (Yuck.)  Cersei takes her seat at the head of the small counsel table.  Tywin’s brother Kevan protests but Cersei insists she is the “provisional ruler” until her son comes of age.  Cersei assigns Mace Tyrell (Margery’s father) to Master of Coin.  Qyburn, the disgraced maester is made the new “Master of Whispers” over Pyrcelle’s protests.  Cersei attempts to make her Uncle Kevan the Master of War but he calls her council a sham and says he’s going to return to Casterly Rock.

At Castle Black, Shireen is teaching Gilly how to read as Sam excitedly reads the History of the Night’s watch in the background.  Gilly is surprised Shireen has survived with “greyscale,” a disease which claimed two of her sisters.  The princess asks what became of them and Gilly recounts they lost their minds and then her father took them out to the woods. (To sacrifice to the White Walkers.) The Queen interrupts and chastises her daughter for interacting with Wildlings.

Jon Snow is summoned before Stannis, due to his shooting of Mance as he was being executed.  Stannis is very unbending when it comes to the law and his orders, as Ser Davos the “Onion Knight” affirms showing his severed fingertips.  Stannis reports Lyanna Mormont, daughter of their late commander, has refused to offer her allegiance to Stannis, stating they only recognize the “King of the North.” (the Starks)  Stannis vents his frustration with the Northern people and the Wildlings.  Stannis has a solution, he offers to make Jon legitimate if he will help him win the North.

Jon speaks to Sam about the King’s proposal. “Its all I ever wanted in my life, to be a Stark.” Sam says he deserves the title.  Jon will not take the tempting offer because he has sworn himself to the Night’s Watch.  Jon muses, if I go back on my word my word will mean nothing.

The elections for the new Commander commence.  Ser Allister, Jon’s nemesis is a likely favorite.  Another ranger named Mallister throws his name in for consideration.  At the last moment, Sam nominates Jon citing his bravery in the battle against the Wildlings.  Ser Allister calls Jon a traitor for his involvement with Ygeritte and his negotiations with Mance.  The votes are tallied and it appears to be a draw between Jon and Allister.  Maester Aemon casts the deciding vote and Jon Snow is the new Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.

Arya chases a pigeon for her breakfast.  Arya is confronted by three armed men who seek to take her kill.  She fearlessly challenges them with her sword “Needle.”  The monk from the House of Black and White appears and the men flee in terror.  He leads her back to the House and his face changes into her old companion Jaqen H’ghar. Arya calls him by his old name but her corrects her. “I am no one and that is who you must become.”

Khalesi angrily confronts the ex-slave who has murdered the “Son of the Harpy” responsible for the death of the Unsullied warrior.  He pleads with her for mercy recounting his hard life as a slave.  Khalesi is unmoved, this was not his justice to take. “Law is law.”

Myreen has gathered for sentencing of the ex-slave. Khalesi gives a speech to explain her reasons for executing the man. The freed slaves cry out “Mysa” and plead mercy for him. Khalesi signals to Daario to behead the man.  The crowd begins to hiss, then they begin to attack the ex-masters with rocks and swords.  Khalesi is hurriedly rushed away.

Once inside, she asks to be alone. Khalesi walks out to survey the kingdom she now rules.  She hears a great beating of wings, Drogon her missing dragon has returned. She reaches out to touch him but he withdraws from her touch and flies away into the darkness.

So ends the second episode of the season.  It is slightly infuriating how little each story has progressed in the fifty minutes. I wonder if it would be better to follow the book’s process more closely, and focus on only one story each hour. (But either way, people will gripe about not enough screen time for their favorite characters.) More then anything, this season has left me simply wanting more and faster!

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