Friday, April 13, 2018

The Americans, Season 6, Episode 3, Urban Transport Planning

The Americans, Season 6, Episode 3, Urban Transport Planning

The third hour this season is bookended by violent acts committed by Elizabeth after her missions go awry.  The split between Elizabeth and Phillip continues to deepen especially with Oleg and the upcoming summit driving their ideals ever further apart.  On the FBI side, Stan wrestles with his past mistakes and tries to prevent new ones by handling his former assets Sofia and Gennadi.  Phillip wrestles with concern for Paige as a “next generation” spy knowing the psychological toll the work took on him.  Elizabeth is driven by a fatalistic fury to “complete her mission” even at the cost of her own life.

The hour opens with Elizabeth cleaning up the blood of General Rennhall off her face and clothes before she returns home.  Her desperation is reminiscent of Lady Macbeth; she can wash away the blood but not the stains on her psyche.  Phillip stays up to discuss the evening’s events with Paige, encouraging her to talk about her feelings of anger or sadness like he learned at the EST program.  (Which by ’87 had changed its name to The Forum.)  Paige assures her father that she’s “fine.”  Phillip cautions her not to push her feelings away.  He explains he saw “difficult things too” in his years on the job.  Paige asks him how he dealt with the hard times. “I don’t know, I had your mom, and you do too.”  They both bristle slightly as they hear Elizabeth’s car entering the garage.
Once inside, Paige innocently asks her mother what happened.  Elizabeth reprimands her daughter severely for “putting the mission at risk” by not following protocol.  The phone rings, it’s Henry calling to gloat about his hockey game win.  Phillip dispatches the call by stating he’s “in the middle of a work thing.”  Paige explains she heard a shot and didn’t know what to do.  “You were supposed to do what you were told to do!”  Elizabeth warns Paige that if she were “any other recruit” she would have been fired for such behavior.  “You don’t get to talk about what you thought or what you felt or anything else! Not right now!”  Phillip tries to stick up for Paige, “This isn’t great, but I think there is a lot to talk about here.”  Paige takes her mother’s harsh words stoically and apologizes.  Elizabeth refuses to allow Paige to spend the night at home and insists she returns back to her apartment.

After Paige leaves Phillip muses, “She’s pretty much seen it all know.”  Elizabeth, probably thinking about Paige’s questions about sex responds, “Not all of it.”  Phillip offers, “I told her that she’d have you to talk to…”  Elizabeth is dismissive, “What do you think I was just doing?.”  Phillip probes Elizabeth about the mission and the course of events.  Elizabeth mentions Rennhall because he was an asset that Phillip originally acquired.  “He was an idealist, what happened?”  Elizabeth will only state that they needed a piece of technology and Rennhall was a source.  Phillip notes that Paige thinks the general killed himself.  (Phillip probably knows that’s not what happened but he didn’t let Paige assume differently.)  Elizabeth confesses she “didn’t have time to work him and I moved too fast.”  Elizabeth doesn’t admit to her husband that she, in fact, pulled the trigger, murdering Rennhall.  Elizabeth says vaguely there’s trouble back home with Gorbachev.  Phillip wants to know more details about the technology and operation but Elizabeth stops him. “I can’t.”  Even with Phillip officially “out”, it’s been rare for Elizabeth not to confide in him.  She leaves Phillip alone with his thoughts.

As promised, Stan goes to meet with Sofia to try and get her to reconsider divorcing Gennadi.  Sofia continues to be adamant about her plans.  She frequently mentions her male co-worker and confident Bogdan.  “Bogdan says I’m too much listening to you, I need to listen to my heart!”  Stan is horrified to learn that Sofia has exposed her and Gennadi’s relationship with the FBI.  (It is likely, one or more employees at the TASS media agency would have also been KGB agents or reported to them.)  Sofia is flippant, “I trust him.”  Stan tries to warn her how much danger she and Gennadi could be in for their activities.  Sofia puffs on her cigarette, “I’m not a child Stan! We’re Soviets, we know how to keep secrets, it’s what we do!”  She’s not doing a very good job at keeping secrets about working with the FBI,  she's told Gennadi, now Bogdan; it’s only a matter of time before she tells the wrong person.  Stan is speechless.

Elizabeth is briefly at the travel agency.  After she departs, Phillip calls the bursar at St. Edward’s Academy to discuss Henry’s tuition.  Phillip boasts that his company recently expanded and leased a new office.  However, this has made it more difficult to keep up with the payments.  Phillip asks for a payment arrangement so that they can better afford the school.  The administrator finally agrees but cautions Phillip to not tell other parents for fear they might also want individual plans.  The financial stress on the business is another thing Phillip is not sharing with Elizabeth.  (The stock market crashes in October 1987, Phillip’s problems will probably worsen in the aftermath.)

Elizabeth and Paige go for a walk by the water while continuing to discuss the “mistakes” of the previous evening.  Paige confesses that she can’t get the images out of her mind.  Elizabeth chooses her words carefully stating that you “can’t ever know someone’s true state of mind.”  She paints the Rennhall as depressed and overwhelmed in order to explain his “suicide” to Paige.  Elizabeth claims she tried to stop him. To gain Paige’s trust back, Elizabeth mentions she made a mistake as well, miscalculated on how hard to push him.  Elizabeth says the technology they needed from him would “keep our country safe.”  What would Paige think if she knew the technology was to ensure the development of the “Dead Head”, destruction of the United States if they ever bombed the Soviets?  Elizabeth declares that it’s okay for her to take risks; even if they led to her death it’s okay.  Elizabeth implores Paige to never live her life in fear, Elizabeth claims she’s not afraid to die because she knows she’s “making a difference” fighting for something she believes in.  Paige is concerned about an investigation into the scene at the park.  Elizabeth again hammers at the need for protocol.  Elizabeth says Paige’s job will be different but she’ll still need to know how to “deal with things like this, just in case.”  

Phillip decides to dust off a self-help book “Success of Positive Mental Attitude” prior to speaking to his employees.  He walks out onto his office floor and asks his employee Rick to discuss how he sold several cruises that day.   The man seems a little bashful but with Phillip’s encouragement he’s able to offer up a few ideas to sell more packages including “upselling.”  The scene illustrates how “Americanized” Phillip has become.  He wants to prove that he can achieve financial success in his “second” career.  This ideal would likely mortify Elizabeth’s communist sensibilities.

Stan visits Dennis in the “vault” to discuss the situation with Sofia.  Gennadi is currently in the Soviet Union.  The choices are either to get the CIA to “pull him out” over there or to attempt an action in the United States.  Both men clearly care about their assets, while acknowledging the “information” obtained by Gennadi has not once been useful.  Stan jokes about how Sofia stated how good she was at “keeping secrets.”  Stan is very skeptical of Bogdan, the “senior correspondent at TASS.”  Dennis stands up and sighs, “Did you hear about the general who committed suicide in the park?”  Stan replies, “Not the place I would do it.”  Dennis outlines his thinking, “no history of depression, one of the key people working on SDI.”  (Special Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars” program.)  Stan brought in Rennhall years before after the general shot a man who had accused him of being a Soviet spy.  (The incident, which the general mentioned as haunting him.)  Dennis nods in agreement.  Dennis encourages Stan to visit “their friend from out-of-town” soon.  Stan nods, his reunion with Oleg will be awkward.

Elizabeth meets Father Andrei, the Eastern Orthodox priest who married them in a cemetery.  The Father provides information to Elizabeth from time to time.  Elizabeth shares that she’s teaching her daughter “about us”, the Russian culture and history.  Father Andrei says he also teaches a class to second-generation kids but they fail to be interested in their own culture.  Elizabeth brags that she feels Paige is beginning to understand it. (Of course, through her mother and Claudia’s carefully curated lessons. )  He soon shifts the conversation to more personal matters, asking Elizabeth about Phillip.  Elizabeth admits that they are leading separate lives now that he’s out of the business but Paige is “with her.”  Father Andrei expresses a desire to see Phillip but Elizabeth balks at the suggestion, citing his “retirement.”  Father Andrei adds, “I know, but tell him that I asked for him.”

Elizabeth and Paige begin a mission mid-day.  Elizabeth resembles Crissy Hinds in a long dark wig with blunt bangs.  She drills her daughter, “Are you good?  Because I need you to be good today!”  Paige assures her mom that she’s ready.  Paige exits the car; other KGB lookouts monitor the movements using walkie-talkies to signal.  The summit negotiators including Glenn are meeting with their Soviet counterparts for lunch at a pizzeria.  The group discusses baseball versus hockey while Elizabeth eats pizza near the group.  (Glenn is lifelong Minnesota Twins fan, Twins took home the trophy in 1987.)  A colleague mentions the “weird Japanese jacket” Glenn owns.  It was a gift from his now terminally ill wife from their time living in Japan.  Glenn is visibly emotional at the mention of Erica.  Not wanting to discuss her condition, the conversation pauses before another American invites the Soviets to view the World Series games at his home.  Elizabeth hones in on a younger negotiator who seems more interested in American culture, the only one willing to accept an invitation watch baseball with the Americans.  The conversation moves on to the difficult tasks ahead of the summit but offers Elizabeth no real insight into the team’s work.

Stan heads to the Potomac Inn to visit Oleg.  Oleg opens the door and is clearly wary about this reunion but really has no choice but to let Stan inside.  Stan offers an apology regarding the tape and the CIA’s pressure on him several years ago.  Stan states he advocated for Oleg, stating he “wasn’t a traitor” an even offered to expose FBI secrets if they went through with their plan.  Oleg shrugs, “That’s it?”  Oleg eyes the door, hoping Stan will leave now.  Instead, Stan enters the room further; “I’m not in Counter-Intelligence anymore.”  Stan describes his new job in the criminal division and asks about Oleg’s new career in “urban transport planning.”  Oleg describes the mundane new career.   Stan questions why Oleg came to allegedly take a course at George Mason University since the course actually began week’s prior.  Oleg offers some half-truths, “My father asked me to, I said no.  Then I needed some time away, from my wife.”  (Arkady would be the “father” in this scenario, and his wife was angry for him because he wanted to go.)   Stan persists, “What are you doing here Oleg?”  Oleg maintains he’s here for classes.  Oleg asks, “Do you ever think about her at all?”  Oleg shares that he thinks he sees Nina everywhere, clearly haunted by her memory.  Two men discussing a lover in common would be awkward in a scenario, but between these two former intelligence officers, the room hangs heavy with the air of tension and regret.  Oleg says, “They had the tape of the conversation between you and me.  They said they would use it against me and my family if I did not cooperate.”  Stan apologizes again but Oleg shakes his head, “Bullshit!”  Stan warns Oleg, “You are here on a diplomatic passport Oleg, whatever you’re doing here, don’t!”  Stan exits.

Paige is at Claudia’s again for more “Russian cultural lessons.”  Today they are cooking “peasant food” which consists of carrots, onions, and meat to make a hearty stew.  Claudia teaches Paige the recipe.  Claudia asks how Paige is doing, Paige again insists she’s “fine.”  After discussing various dishes, Claudia sends Paige out for more sour cream in order to speak with Elizabeth alone.  Claudia hands Elizabeth a new target at the warehouse where the sensors are kept.  Elizabeth sighs, knowing it will be more difficult to obtain the sensor now the general is dead.  Claudia throws some salt over her shoulder for luck.  Elizabeth is filled with the scents of home.

At the Jennings’ residence, Phillip crushes numbers on his Texas Instruments calculator on a table littered with Chinese takeout.  Elizabeth enters and offers Phillip a bit of the dish they made a Claudia’s.  Elizabeth states that even this small sample can’t stay in the house.  Phillip expresses his regret that he’s already eaten.  Elizabeth moves to throw away the food but Phillip stops her and has one bite.  “That is delicious.”  Phillip declares.  This small moment illustrates how Phillip may pine for his old identity but is “too full” of American food.  
Elizabeth describes how she’s trying to recreate “home” for Paige with Claudia, and how good that feels. “Then I walk out and it hits me, ‘here’, I hate it!”  Phillip agrees but adds, “Honestly, the way things are going I think will have Stan over here in a couple of years for zhakoye.”  Elizabeth seems repulsed at the ideas of glasnost and Gorbachev.   “I don’t want to be like them, and neither do the people back home!”  Phillip reminds her she hasn’t been “back home” in over twenty years.  Elizabeth shoots back, “Neither have you!”  Phillip stares at nothing, perhaps wondering if the Washington Post knows more about what’s happening in the Soviet Union today then he does.  Elizabeth, like many immigrates pines for HER version of the country she left, not the country that exists in the present tense.  What she’s doing with Claudia and Paige is creating a tiny version of the world she left, the county she idolizes.

Stan feigns interest about Renee’s discussion regarding her work.  She admits to him that she doesn’t really feel satisfied with her job.  She’s been doing some brainstorming about a change. “I wish I could do something to make a difference, doesn’t that make you proud?” (Interesting she uses Elizabeth’s exact phrasing, about making a difference.  Is Phillip right about her? Is she KGB?)  She notes how it must be nice for Phillip and Elizabeth to work together.  Stan points out that Elizabeth deals with corporate clients and Phillip with the local agency so they are apart a great deal.  Renee reveals she wants to become an FBI agent.  Stan doesn’t laugh but points out she is too old to become a new agent.  She hopes Stan can pull some strings for her to make an exception.  Stan is non-committal.  Renee sighs, is she secretly planning a long game to become a double agent? 

Phillip looks in the mirror vacantly.  He spies Elizabeth sleeping on the couch.  It seems he still longs for a connection with her.

Phillip has put on a disguise of a wig, mustache and beige “Members Only” jacket.  He parks his car and begins to walk.

Elizabeth meets a man in a hotel to allegedly conduct a security audit of his company.  (The company that manufactures the sensors.)  She asks for him to sign a confidentially agreement and emphasizes how important it is to keep this meeting secret as to obtain the “best data.”  She is looking for lapses in security at the warehouse.  Obviously, the plan is to assess the company’s weaknesses and steal the sensor.

Stan and another agent await Gennadi’s arrival at JFK.  Stan approaches Gennadi and identifies himself as an FBI agent, “I understand you want political asylum.”  Gennadi’s traveling companion objects, stating they enjoy diplomatic immunity.  Gennadi pauses, before handing his companion the pouch. “Yes, I want asylum.”  Stan escorts Gennadi away.  Dennis and a few agents enter TASS.  Dennis approaches Sofia, “I understand you want political asylum.”  The TASS boss objects, stating that they have no right to be there and threats to call the Soviet Embassy.  Sofia hesitates, looks at her friend Bogdan before finally agreeing to do with the FBI team.  The boss yells at her as she leaves.  Her son Illia next, taken out of his elementary school classroom by the FBI.

Gennadi is brought into a sparse conference room where he demands to know what happened.  Stan apologizes but confesses that Sofia had told someone about his activities.  Gennadi seems crestfallen that Sofia is confiding in another man, he fears they are having an affair.  Stan can’t elaborate on Sofia’s relationship with Bogdan but admits Sofia wants a divorce.  Stan explains the plan for them to remain in separate places until a final relocation plan is formulated.  Gennadi pleads with Stan to tell Sofia he loves her, and her son Illia.  He doesn’t want to live without her.  Stan promises to try to help Gennadi, a man presently without a country or a family.

Phillip continues his stroll through a large park.

The man in the hotel room helpfully draws Elizabeth a map of the warehouse and points out all the weak spots in the company’s security.  It’s a treasure trove of information.  As she closes the meeting, she reaffirms the need for absolute secrecy about their meeting. “ I bet my girlfriend already knows about it, she works in security!”  Elizabeth asks, “Oh, who’s your girlfriend?”  The man smiles as he gives her the name.  Elizabeth smiles in return, “Oh Teresa, she’s great!”  The man steps to leave the room but Elizabeth pounces on him from behind.  Leonard Cohen’s "Dance me to the End of Love" punctuates the scene.  Elizabeth astoundingly is able to choke the much larger man and break his neck. The song crones, “Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin, dance me through the panic until I’m gathered safely in…” as the man gasps his final breathes.  Elizabeth pants, and checks the man’s neck pulse to confirm his death.  “Dance me to your beauty when the witnesses are gone, then dance me to the end of love...”  It’s another innocent life taken in pursuit of the “Dead Hand.”

It is nightfall when Phillip finally meets up with Oleg.  They look at each other knowingly and stroll off together.  What they will discuss will hopefully be revealed next week.

This hour was another amazing episode of the final season.  The tension keeps building steadily as Elizabeth appears to be on the verge of a breakdown.  Meanwhile, Phillip may try to fight for her soul and assist her to escape from the prospect of exposure and death.  Paige continues to be a savvy student, how soon before she discovers the real ugly reality behind her mother’s carefully worded lies?

The preview of next week shows Paige getting closer to Glenn and the negotiating team.  Phillip discusses his fears for Paige’s safety with Elizabeth.  Claudia shows Elizabeth a picture of Gennadi, stating him and his family must be “dealt with.”  These interactions may lead Elizabeth right into Stan’s orbit.  Phillip tells Oleg how fiercely loyal his wife is to the Soviet Union. “That loyalty can be used.”  Oleg offers cryptically.

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