Last week dealt with the long and emotional goodbye to Gabriel. As the Jennings’ become increasingly worried and wary in their multiple missions, how will they cope with their former handler Claudia? Both parents were encouraged about Paige’s breakup with Matthew but how will she continue to deal with her isolation? Stan and Dennis finally have a new asset to work but they too must work together between promising her rewards and explaining the risks. In Moscow, it appears that Oleg may have dodged the Americans for the moment but what about concerns in his new role in the anti-corruption division?
The hour begins with Phillip driving home after his final meeting with Gabriel. He goes upstairs slowly and his first question to his wife is regarding Paige. “She’s okay, spent most of the night staring across the street but hasn’t said anything else about Matthew.” Elizabeth wonders aloud whether the teens will stay apart. Phillip states he asked Gabriel about Renee and the old man thought he was crazy. Elizabeth expresses sorrow at his leaving but Phillip surprises her by his statement that he won’t miss the old man. Phillip doesn’t think Gabriel really cared about them but was simply doing his job in all their years together. Phillip states Gabriel expressed worry about Paige, that he didn’t want her to enter their world. Elizabeth probably had been hoping for his endorsement for Paige’s recruitment. “Wouldn’t it be a nice world if no one had to do this?”
This scene highlights not only the difference between how the couple viewed Gabriel and how they view their careers going forward. Phillip sees the scars of the work, past and present in Gabriel while Elizabeth still sees a future for them and perhaps Paige. Gabriel not only confessed to Phillip his own sins during the Stalin era but also told Phillip the truth about his father. Elizabeth’s reverence for him doesn’t match Phillip’s view; to her, he was a proud warrior who gave his life to the patriotic cause.
Henry plays games on his computer with a male and female classmate. Elizabeth prepares snacks for the teens. Stan has come over to socialize. Elizabeth notes Henry seems to like the girl. Phillip asks if he knew about Henry’s crush but Stan says, “I was sworn to secrecy.” Stan inquires about Paige. Phillip plays ignorant, “We don’t get a lot of information.” Stan observes Matthew seemed moody but it seems more serious than just a fight. Elizabeth adds, “Maybe, they’ll be friends again one day.” The conversation shifts to Renee, who wants to take Stan skydiving. Stan jokes he’s not sure he wants to die before Matthew graduates from college.
Oleg heads up to his parent’s apartment but is intercepted on the staircase by three officers from “Directorate K.” The lead man asks, “We’d appreciate your permission to search your apartment.” They state some “issues have come up” but will not elaborate. Due to Oleg’s father’s high government position, they need “special permission” and are trying to avoid asking the elder Burov. Oleg replies it’s his parent’s place and he can’t give them permission to “tear up the place.” The man asks if he can search just Oleg’s room and he agrees.
Inside the apartment, Oleg’s mother brings the father a cup of tea. Oleg enters, with the three men following him. He introduces them; “These men need to have a look in my room.” Oleg’s father looks annoyed. The men set about tearing Oleg’s room part, dismantling statues and even removing chair-rail molding from the walls. Oleg’s mother looks concerned as she busies herself in the kitchen.
In a suburban D.C. kitchen, Evgheniya removes baked goods from the oven. Elizabeth declines her offer of food, stating she has to keep skinny for her job as a stewardess. Evgheniya states she is grateful for Tuan’s friendship with Pasha. Elizabeth directs the conversation towards Evgheniya’s new job, teaching Russian. Evgheniya is happy with the independence her job has given her. She states they are planning to have an “immersion weekend” at a student’s home to practice speaking only in Russian. Elizabeth is impressed her students are already fluent but Evgheniya says they are not yet. Evgheniya goes on to describe the individuals in her class, describing one as a “big sex guy.” Elizabeth laughs but gently points out she probably means he’s a “ladies man.” Yes, Evgheniya agrees, “Woman like him.”
The search continues in Oleg’s bedroom. One man finds the tape recorder in his desk drawer. (Thank God Oleg had already destroyed the tape and the note.) Oleg watches from the door but then goes to the kitchen to comfort his mother. “There is nothing to find.” He assures her. She whispers, “They find things even when there’s nothing.” In other words, they would not be above planting some evidence on Oleg. The men leave, tersely thanking Oleg and his father. Once the door closes his father spits, “What the hell is going on?” Oleg pleads ignorance. His father goes to make a phone call to complain but Oleg stops the old man. He defends the men as “just doing their job.” Perhaps this is to save himself from further anger by these men.
Elizabeth and Phillip go to the same “safe house” for their first meeting with Claudia. Gone are the niceties of their former relationship, no tea is offered and the couple keeps their coats on during the short conversation. Claudia applauds their recent “accomplishments” while she was away. She orders them to keep their Kansas connections active until the wheat sample can be verified. Elizabeth gives her details on the upcoming “immersion class.” Phillip complains their “team” is still too small but they’ll manage. With that, Phillip seeks to conclude the meeting. “Let’s do this a little differently from now on. You tell us what to do and we’ll do it.” Elizabeth adds, “We know what we’re doing, we know what to think.” Claudia agrees, “You don’t want anyone inside your heads, fair enough.” Once outside, Phillip asks, “Back when Gabriel was shooting people at home, what do you think she was doing?” (Implying it was probably much worse!)
At the travel agency, Elizabeth notes that she has decided not to go back to Kansas to see Ben noting that the Centre will need some time to test the same they sent home with Gabriel. Phillip decides he’ll postpone his trip to see Deirdre as well. “It’s work, she understands work.” It appears they’ve both made an unspoken agreement to attempt to strengthen their own relationship by not sleeping with their respective marks, at least for a few weeks.
Stan and Dennis meet the TASS woman at an art museum. She points out “there was a man back there.” Dennis assures her it was “one of ours” and ensures her she is safe. Stan instructs her not to look over her shoulders too much but "try to act natural." She describes her son, “He has a big imagination, one day he wants to be a captain the next day a fireman, police a doctor…” Her main concern is saving for a house and for her son’s education. Stan promises her about five hundred dollars a month, likely much more than she’s receiving from her Soviet employer. Dennis asks her about work. She states she gets along with most of her colleagues but they gossip. She complains about her GRU officer Yuri, noting, and “nobody likes him.” (GRU was a military intelligence wing of the KGB.) Stan assures her “every office has a Yuri.” This statement helps her relax a little. Stan asks her where she told her co-worker she was going. They help her practice a lie that she went out to have lunch at Armand’s, a pizza restaurant she favors. She shyly asks for a favor, if they can help her fix her teeth. Stan promises they can help her with this issue. She seems overjoyed, accidently thanking them first in Russian. She practices her “lunch lie” before leaving the men.
Elizabeth calls Ben from a payphone. He greets her warmly, “I was just thinking about you.” She laughs it off before telling him she can’t get to Kansas to see him for a few weeks. He seems genuinely upset, saying he’ll miss her. Elizabeth explains it’s her work, but her work in fashion isn’t nearly as important as his ambitions to “save millions of lives, not everyone can do that, not everyone wants to do that.” In a strange way, Elizabeth is drawn to Ben’s idealism, perhaps that was why she was so hurt to see him with another woman in Tennessee. She may have postponed the trip to spare her own hurt feelings.
Phillip’s call to Deirdre goes far differently. When Phillip explains he can’t come to see her she uses this as a way to start the breakup conversation. She says repeatedly that he’s a “really sweet guy” but she doesn’t see them having a future together. Phillip states they are just getting to know each other. She says, “it’s been nice but we’re not compatible.” She says she needs someone more “assertive.” Phillip looks strangely hurt by the “breakup.”
In the garage, Elizabeth uses a baseball bat to further enhance Paige’s self-defense training. She is not going easy on Paige and the teen exclaims, “When am I going to be able to take care of myself?” Elizabeth states she’s improving but Paige says, “I’m sick of being scared.” Elizabeth says she understands how hard it is. Elizabeth looks at Paige, silent with pain for a moment. (I admit I was screaming at my television, “Tell her about your rape!”)
She begins, “I was scared like that for a long time.” Paige stares at her, surprised by this admission. “When I was eighteen, a man, I was raped and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I didn’t tell anyone for a very long time.” Paige begins to cry and moves to embrace her mom but Elizabeth stops her. “No, listen to me. I trained, every day as hard as I could. I imagined that man’s face, and the more I fought the better I felt. Until one day I knew nobody was going to hurt me like that again.” Elizabeth wants to give her daughter the freedom from fear by teaching her how to defend herself. “I’m not afraid and you’re not going to be either.” It’s a powerful moment between the steely mother and the more emotional idealist daughter but sharing this secret helps Paige understand her mother better.
Oleg goes to speak to his superior. He explains how members of Directorate K (part of the KGB) came to search his home, specifically his bedroom. Oleg wants to know if the boss has any idea what their purpose was. The boss claims not to know but indicates perhaps it’s because he served abroad and it was probably “routine.” But even his boss agrees that a through search seems unusual. Oleg admits he went to the archives (without authorization) to research information about a family member. The boss is still perplexed, noting with Oleg’s father’s rank, they would avoid this kind of action. Oleg rises to leave but his boss inquires about the specifics of the “family matter.” Oleg admits it was regarding his mother, who was incarcerated for five years for “sabotage.” The boss laughs, “In those days, taking a pencil from an office was considered ‘sabotage.’” Oleg notes she was later pardoned. The boss again thinks this was his father’s influence, observing Oleg is “lucky.” But, will his father be able to protect Oleg if he ends up being accused of treason? It didn’t help Nina.
Elizabeth practices tai chi in the bedroom to Phillip’s amusement. “Looks like slow kung fu.” Phillip explains Deidra broke up with him, complaining he wasn’t aggressive enough.” Elizabeth offers, “It might not matter this time, but next time you might have to hurt someone’s feelings again.” Is Phillip still feeling guilty about what happened with Martha? He certainly hurt her feelings and destroyed her life. Phillip becomes defensive when Elizabeth suggests he did something wrong. She wonders about his EST sessions, “Isn’t that what they’re teaching you, that people’s feelings are more important than anything?” Phillip disagrees, “No, it’s more that there was a part of me that I’d never thought about.” Elizabeth muses, “Then a forty-five-year-old single logistic manager kicks you out of bed…” Phillip smiles, “We’re not all as attractive as you are Elizabeth.” Elizabeth disagrees, “But you are, you can get her back if you need to.” She climbs into bed with her husband. Elizabeth says she was training with Paige and she told her about the rape. “I just wanted her to know, she won’t always be afraid.” Phillip agrees it was the right thing to do.
Evegena drives across town, tailed by the African-American asset. Phillip follows further behind, outfitted with a bushy brown beard. Evgheniya pulls into a motel parking lot and retouches her makeup. (Usually something you only do when you’re meeting someone special.) Elizabeth drives up to Phillip’s truck, wearing a long blonde wig and purple sunglasses. She climbs into the passenger seat as Phillip takes out a camera. “Well, that’s not one of her student’s houses!” Evgheniya brings a tray of baked goods up the stairs of the motel. Elizabeth offers to get outside of the car in order to take the pictures from a better angle.
Dennis and Stan speak in the “vault” about the possible routes their asset would take to go from work to Amand’s pizza and other locations. They are meticulous in making her movements and routes seem natural. They agree given her skittish demeanor it’s best to get her off the streets for their meetings.
Elizabeth is able to snap pictures of Evgheniya as a man opens the door to the motel room. He’s tall and definitely not her husband. Elizabeth rejoins Phillip, “Affair.” Phillip wonders if he’s one of her students. “I hope so.” An affair is perfect for blackmail.
Claudia meets with Elizabeth. “The man you photographed Evgheniya with is Bruce Tabenor, an S1S officer, most likely to be a Deputy Chief of the CIA’s Moscow division. He’s married, two kids. The Centre will probably want her back in Moscow with her so they can use the affair against him.” Elizabeth seems confident they might be able to use Pasha’s unhappiness in the United States to get Evegena to be motivated to go home. Elizabeth will use Tuan to assist them in the effort. Claudia reports she went home to spend time with her family, but her grandchildren didn’t remember her, “I don’t know what I expected.” Elizabeth notes things are going well despite all the activities they’ve had to manage. The conversation turns to Paige, Claudia says she’s asking herself, not for the Centre. Elizabeth notes, "Paige is figuring things out.” Claudia asks what Elizabeth wants for her daughter. “I want her to believe in something, I want her to care about things that matter.” Claudia says, “Her mother’s daughter.” (Believing in God is not the kind of faith Elizabeth wants for Paige ironically.) Elizabeth notes that she and Phillip do not see “eye-to-eye” on the subject but they don’t talk about it much.
Phillip calls Deidra from a payphone. Her answering machine clicks on and he begins a long message about giving him another chance. “I didn’t know how to tell you this before, but I’m married.” Upon hearing his confession, Deidra answers the phone. A married man isn’t “too nice” and will keep the relationship from becoming committed; exactly what the logistical analyst was looking for in a man.
Phillip and Elizabeth meet with Tuan to discuss the plan to get the Morozov family to move back to the Soviet Union. Tuan asks, “How do you know if she goes back to USSR, she’ll keep screwing the guy or he’ll keep screwing her?” He makes a good point; it will be hard to know how the affair would change under new circumstances. Tuan has an idea, he knows some kids who bully Pasha, especially if Tuan left him alone more. Elizabeth likes the plan. It seems rather cruel, bullying a kid to manipulate his parents. Elizabeth gives Tuan their “flight routes” for the week. Tuan complains they need to be around more frequently that it could be a problem. They thank him.
Paige is flipping through the channels using the remote control. (Wow, we didn’t get a remote until the ‘90’s.) Elizabeth suggests they go for a walk together. They walk along a path on a cold dreary day. Paige insists she’s not upset about Matthew, that he is “just a boy.” She characterizes her feelings towards him as “silly.” She asks her mother if she still thinks about her perpetrator. Elizabeth answers no, only occasionally. Paige wonders how she could ever get over something so horrible. Elizabeth observes other things are more important, like her and Henry and her work. “Do you like what you do?” Elizabeth smiles, “I wish I didn’t have to do it, but I’m proud to serve my country.” Paige asks what else she would do instead and Elizabeth replies be a doctor. Paige points out her mother does not have any “bedside manner.” Elizabeth says maybe she would have been a doctor in the third world where her bedside manner wouldn’t be such of an obstacle. It’s clear Paige is now seriously thinking about what her life would be like in the family business. It’s unfortunate that her mother can’t be truly honest about how hard and brutal their work actually is.
Next week’s preview shows the return of the virus which killed Walter last season, but it is unclear which side is using it. Oleg is still of interest to the FBI and the CIA. Tuan’s late night activities spark suspicion. Could he be a double agent? His plea for them to be “around more” was suspicious.
This was a powerful hour, especially with Elizabeth’s sharing her secret with Paige. Was this a sincere effort on Elizabeth’s part to help her daughter get over her trauma or is it part of a larger effort to “groom” Paige for the work. Oleg’s fate seems to be in question once again; will his father allow his remaining son to be tried for treason? (A sentence, which may result in his execution.) Can the small group of assets be trusted? The viewer doesn’t know anything about the adult man and woman who’ve helped since Han’s died. Tuan may also be hiding something. Only several more episodes remain in this penultimate season. I anticipate a cliffhanger end to this season.
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