Monday, September 28, 2015

Fear the Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5, Cobalt

The penultimate episode in the fledgling series was high on torment and tension.  I believe it is a nice set-up for all hell breaking loose for the mid-season finale. Cobalt is a hard lustrious silver gray metal. Things are about to get harder...

The first scene opens with a view of the American flag hanging over the detention center where Doug is being held.  An African-American man speaks to Doug about selling insurance.  Doug cries out looking at a picture of his wife.  The other man taunts him, noting that since she is still good looking, she’ll find “a man to help her survive through all this.”  Doug cries out more despondently and is taken out of the holding cell, the man turns to look at Nick, asking, “And who are you?”

Ofelia is shouting at the army near the neighborhood’s fence.  She throws things, demanding to know where her mother has been taken.  The soldier who was flirting with her in the previous episode offers to take her home.

At the kitchen table, Maddy looks forlorn.  Travis enters and assures her he’ll find out where Nick is by talking to Moyers.  Chris enters and is rude to Maddy then tries to explain to Travis that Liza left willingly.  Chris is concerned Liza will not return.  Travis advises his son to “be strong” and tells him he will get his mom back.  Maddy reminds him to ask about Nick too.

Liza sutures a wound in a makeshift hospital, which appears to be a gym. The doctor is shorthanded, stating several nurses quit. (A few are unaccounted for, did they turn?) Liza asks to see Griselda. The doctor is curt with her.

Maddy goes to the Trans’ and finds the note Alicia read at the end of the last episode. She hears some banging and goes to investigate. (Patrick Tran is still unaccounted for.) Instead, she finds Daniel, Ofelia and the soldier duct taped to a chair. She winces as Daniel coldly explains; “This is how we bring them home.”

The soldier says their family members will be okay.  Maddy interrupts, “Where are they?”  Ofelia pleads with her father not to hurt the soldier, stating he doesn’t know anything.  Maddy tells Daniel that Travis is going to talk to the commander, Moyers.  Daniel is adamant he needs the soldier to bargain with the army for their families’ release.  He asks Maddy to keep an eye on Ofelia while knowing she wouldn’t want to see the man tortured.

Travis has a conversation with Moyers.  The commander is short with him stating the “quarantined” are under the doctor’s jurisdiction and he has no say in their release.  He also says he can’t concern himself with civilian matters.  It’s a dead end.  Travis insinuates the civilians could revolt if he doesn’t get information. The commander asks if that is a threat, then grudgingly offers to have Travis taken to his ex-wife’s location.  The commander is abrupt with the patrol leader who complains they’ve been up fifty hours. Is mutiny stirring?

Daniel speaks to the soldier, asking him not to blame Ofelia for his present predicament.  Daniel takes off his shirt and opens an assortment of “tools.” The soldier states his wife is about two miles away at a community college, which has been set up as a hospital and quarantine area.

Travis rides along with the super fatigued patrol unit. They approach a walker and set up their weapon to shot the woman.  Travis looks through the scope, sees the nametag on the woman’s uniform and is unable to shoot her. (In a scene reminiscent of Morgan in TWD Pilot where he is unable to shoot his wife.) The men taunt him, “Do you think she’s human, then that would make us murderers?” Travis is silent. Another man shoots her, blowing her head off.

Liza and Dr. Exner work triaging patients arriving for care.  Liza finds one with a bite mark and that person is quickly removed down the hallway.  The doctor chastises Liza, stating a missed bite could put everyone at risk.

The military inform Travis there are still pockets of infected, people who “don’t trust the government.” The men go inside a building, but quickly retreat. Travis overhears screaming and “There’s too many” on the radio in the Humvee.

Daniel seems to be toying with the soldier.  He recounts his own torture; blood is seen on his undershirt.  Daniel asks, “What is Cobalt?” stating he’s heard the code word on the radio transmissions. The soldier pleads ignorance and Daniel continues to skin his arms.

Alicia rolls up to Chris on a bright pink bicycle.  She offers to take him somewhere cool. They go to an abandoned mansion. Alicia sets out trying on expensive gowns and jewelry.  Chris watches her; sexual tension between them is mounting.

The African-American man in the holding cell gets his temperature taken. Nick has a fever so is about to be removed from the others.  The African-American man makes a deal with the guard, his cufflinks for Nick.  The guard agrees.  What is this guy playing at?

The patrol exits from the over-run building.  Travis’s ally is dead; the man driving says they are no longer going to the hospital but to San Diego. (Where he has family.) Is it possible they took out their commanding officer? They don’t say he died, just that he’s not coming back. Fragging?

Daniel emerges from the basement carrying a bowl of soldier skin to the kitchen! Maddy asks him how it’s going.  He tells her how he explained to nine-year-old Ofelia why they had to flee El Salvador and about the things they had endured. He adds, he never told her which part he played. (The aggressor, not the victim!) Maddy asks, “Did he tell us what we need to know?”

Liza accompanies Dr. Exner to the quarantine area where Griselda is slipping into septic shock after her foot amputation.  The doctor chides Liza for not trusting her.  Griselda mumbles about seeing the face of the devil. (Daniel?)

Alicia and Chris continue to party in the mansion, wondering where the people fled.  They are drunk on champagne.  Suddenly, Chris begins to break things, and Alicia joins in, eager for some catharsis.

Travis finds Ofelia who tells him what’s going on in the basement.  He asks her if she knew what her father was going to do.  Downstairs, Daniel hears the soldier recount a frightening story. He tells of a large group, perhaps two thousand people in a confined area. The military couldn’t tell the infected from the living so they shot everyone then locked them inside. Travis enters the basement. Daniel asks the soldier, “Tell him about Cobalt!” The soldier explains Cobalt is the code for the evacuation of the L.A. basin, with “humane termination” of civilians.  It’s due to start the next morning!

In the holding cell, Nick throws up. He asks the man, “Why did you save me?” The man says, “I’ve obligated you!” He’ll need him when he makes his next move. He thinks the army will be leaving soon and they will be on their own. As an addict, he views Nick as a survivor and wants him on his team.  He shows Nick a key, presumably to the pens where they are locked up.

Alicia and Chris head home after their “play-date.” Alicia sees the army go by and says, “Something is wrong, they aren’t patrolling anymore.” Have they started Cobalt?

In the quarantine area, Griselda struggles for breath. The doctor states her brain is swelling and there is nothing left to do.  Abruptly she dies, and Dr. Exner informs Liza they have to induce head trauma or she will “come back.” Using a cattle gun, Liza shoots Griselda in the head.

Daniel sees the military trucks leaving the neighborhood. He goes up a set of stairs to find the doors chained. Inside, the dead groan and strain at the doors. How long will the chains hold them?  I predict all hell is about to break loose and this rag-tag group will have to bind together to survive on their own.

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