Friday, March 20, 2015

Justified Season 7 Episode 9 Burned

Rachel and Art speak to Raylan about Ava at the Marshall’s office.  Raylan is certain that she’s “flipped.” Attorney Vasquez enters the conversation upset with Raylan’s creative play to lure Boyd with Markham’s reward.  Vasquez wants to fully prosecute Boyd using the RICO statute.  Art theorizes they need a new confidential informant to replace Ava.

Art and Raylan pay Wynn a visit, finding him working on his tan in the buff. “That’s pretty high on the list of things I wish I’d never seen!” Art gasps.  Raylan hits Wynn and forces his head in the tanning bed, turning up the voltage until he agrees to talk.  The Marshalls show him the files on his criminal activity that were sealed by the deceased Simon Poole.  Wynn confesses to being the rat responsible for Grady’s incarceration.  The Marshalls basically blackmail him into working for them by threatening to tell Katherine the truth if he doesn’t cooperate.  Mike, the muscle, is upset to learn that Wynn is now working with the authorities.  Wynn is pragmatic, “You don’t think that they wouldn’t turn on me?”

Avery speaks to Katherine about his political ambitions when there is a knock on the door of their suite.  Sea Bass enters and quickly trains a gun on the pair.  Sea Bass is angry he abandoned Walker at Markham’s order. (And a fair amount of cash.) Sea bass now demands further payment, setting his sites on Katherine’s diamond engagement ring.  Katherine offers him her tennis bracelet that’s in her purse.  She comes close to him and shoots him with the revolver hidden in her purse.  Removing the revolver, she shoots him again in the head. Avery is impressed with her ploy.  Katherine makes a phone call to request “clean up on aisle 5” in French.  What a classy broad!

Ava admits that Raylan already knows about Zachariah and the mine plan.  “He figured it out.” Ava muses.  Boyd is steely in his resolve, “Let them come.” He has a plan to escape out the back anyway.  Wynn enters the bar and insults are exchanged.  Wynn informs them that Markham is hosting a party that evening and will move the money from the vault tonight.  Boyd sneers, “My the only chance of getting the money is during that party.” Wynn exits quickly. Boyd sees that Raylan is “pulling this string. But this is one time we use our ‘get out of jail free card’.” (Under the premise that Raylan doesn’t know Ava is burned.)

Boyd enters the mine to pay Zachariah a visit.  Zachariah informs him that they are now about four feet away and should be ready in two days.  Boyd tells him the plan has changed and he now has two hours to break through. Yelling, “I’m depending on you uncle Zachariah!”

Tim and Raylan await Wynn who arrives in the “douche mobile.”  Wynn informs them the plan has been set to lure Boyd.  Raylan presses him for the timing and other details.  Wynn sarcastically mimes a call to Boyd asking him for the details on the heist.  Raylan insists he participate with Boyd so the Marshalls have the most accurate information.  Raylan taunts, “Unless you want to spend the rest of your life running from the Dixie Mafia.” Wynn agrees and leaves.

Loretta comes home to discover a decapitated rattlesnake in her living room.  There is a knock at the door and a strange young man introduces himself as her new neighbor, “Boon.”  He notes the snake and theorizes that the shooter must have been a “deranged dangerous guy.”  Boon draws a gun and shows off his quick draw skills. Loretta moves backward in the kitchen.  Boon, pleased she is sufficiently scared, leaves saying, “See you soon Loretta!”

Boyd and Ava are discussing the plan for the evening.  Loretta enters seeking Boyd’s help with Markham.  She is young, wealthy and savvy about the weed business but needs Boyd’s help with distribution and security.  Boyd asks her why she didn’t go to Raylan for protection.  Loretta knows he’s not long for Harlan and perhaps knows that he comes with his own expectations.  Boyd discusses the land deals and agrees to sell to her.  She is amazed at this offer. Boyd observes, “I’m a bad man but Avery Markham is worse.”  After she leaves, Boyd tells Ava to plan for their last night in Harlan.

Raylan goes to the Markham party at the Pizza Parlor.  Loretta enters and Raylan observes she’s “got more balls than sense, girl.”  They discuss his property, which he agrees to sell to her.  Boon crashes their conversation. Raylan asks Boon if he is one of Avery’s new “Colorado boys.”  Boon says he does the security part of the operation.  Loretta points out the concealed gun Boon carries.  Raylan lets the infraction go, but he’s watching him.

Avery points out the Crowders to Katherine and she pretends that she’s never met them. (She’s same leather dress, blood wipes right off!) Markham begins his speech outlining the plan for legal marijuana in Harlan that he promises will revitalize their economy.  Avery acknowledges Boyd.  Boyd asks, “Are you planning to do in Harlan what you did in Colorado?”  Avery assures the crowd the money will stay local.  Loretta points out; everyone Boyd has approached regarding the sale of land is still alive. (Referencing the couple murdered by carbon monoxide and other man whose house burned down.)  Loretta makes an eloquent speech about her history in Harlan.  She says Boyd is her partner.  She will let the homeowners continue to live on their land and farm her product.

After the crowd cheers, Boyd expresses his disapproval on Loretta’s public announcement their partnership.  Raylan is upset with her too, saying that he can’t sell her his land if she is aligned with Boyd.  Avery stews at this sad turn to his party, “Find out if she has any kin.” (Pretty sure that she was orphaned but the threat to her life is clear.)

Wynn reluctantly follows Boyd into the mine.  Boyd and Zachariah confer, the explosion is ready to go.

Back at the party, Raylan shoos Carl away. Once alone, Raylan compliments Ava on her dress.  Ava sees through him, “You know don’t you, it’s happening today.” Ava tells him the plan is for her to start a fire and clear the place out.

Boyd waits in the mine.  “Kiss my ass Raylan Givens!”  Upstairs Carl receives a text stating, “Go.”  Ava leaves him and enters the kitchen where she starts a fire.  Ava then pulls the fire alarm, and the people begin to exit the party. Raylan approaches t Avery, “ We need to get to your vault, I believe you’re being robbed.”

In the mine, Zachariah mutters a prayer before lighting the fuse.  He turns to Boyd muttering, “My niece ain’t spending another minute with a Crowder! You’ll be buried by your own greed!”  He attaches a chain to Boyd’s ankle. Tense moments follow as Boyd calls for help, and Earl is able to get him a hammer. (Rationally I knew Boyd wouldn’t die before the end of the series, still it was intense.) At the last second, Boyd breaks free followed by a massive explosion.

Rachel and Tim see Boyd and the others emerge from the mine.  They don’t see any money.  Raylan confirms by phone to them the blast has failed to rupture the vault. Avery is upset with Raylan, “You’re just using me to get to Boyd.” (I don’t think he ever said differently.) Avery says that his plan is “doing what he’s got to do.” Raylan asks if he cares to elaborate. Avery leaves to find Katherine.

Boyd waits in the bar as Carl and Ava return. Boyd pushes Ava and Carl and yells, “Get your ass back to the Portal! You see anything that looks like money leaving the place, call me immediately!”  He pushes Carl out the door. Boyd then turns to Ava and yells, “What did you say to your uncle?” She doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  “Your uncle tried to blow me up! You give him the idea?”  He wants to know if she’s lying to him.  Ava says no.  She softly asks if her uncle is dead.  Boyd doesn’t’ know.  Boyd acknowledges the money is still in the vault; the blast failed to breakthrough. Boyd knows the money won’t stay in the vault and that’s where he’s headed.

Rachel is upset at Boyd’s failure.  Raylan assures her that he has both Wynn and Ava as informants.  Raylan’s plan is to wait for Boyd to go “harder, faster and stupider.” He acknowledges that they are “Not quite in the end zone doing the Icky shuffle.”  However, he’s confident that Boyd will follow the money.

There are only a few more episodes to find out who will live, die or escape Harlan.

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