Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Americans Season 3 episode 4, Dime bag

This episode featured a soundtrack from the new wave band Yaz. When this music was released, it was unlike anything that had been done before.  It was exhilarating and rebellious.  This music provided an emotional pulse for this episode.  The focus is now shifting to the new generation.

At the end of last week’s episode, it was discovered that the father of the babysitter is the head of the CIA-Afghan team. The goal is to become close to the young woman whom they've observed in the park buying a "dime bag" of marijuana from a local dealer.  Phillip discusses the issue with Elizabeth. “We’ve never used someone this young before.” Elizabeth points out that the CIA is considered a “hard target," therefore, they deem the information so valuable as to be obtained by any means necessary. (Including possible statutory rape?)

In the next breathe, the Jennings are back to discussing Paige’s upcoming birthday party.  Paige wants her parents to invite Pastor Tim and his wife.  Paige is not the typical teenager, she’s precocious and becoming more passionate about her faith. Elizabeth hopes to mold Paige into her own image instead.  Phillip also mentions that Martha is pestering him about starting a family, maybe by fostering a child. Elizabeth scoffs at this, and reminds Phillip that he needs to “show her who wears that pants” in their relationship.

Nina looks more desperate in prison as she is drawn out of her cell and given instructions to work on getting her Belgium roommate Evi to confess.  Nina is told that the young woman was involved initially in peace activism. Her boyfriend gave her a package to deliver. The package was intercepted, and the boyfriend had left the county leaving his girlfriend to be captured and incarcerated for spying.

Stan and Phillip are continuing with the Est seminars. Stan is picked by the group leader for a visualization exercise.  He asks Stan to picture having a conversation with Sandra.  It’s not easy for Stan to vulnerable and he reacts with anger, cursing the leader and the group as bullsh#t.  The group responds with applause, thinking that Stan has had some sort of breakthrough.  A woman approaches him afterwards and offers him her phone number.  Phillip encourages Stan to be open to dating but Stan is just not emotionally available, even to himself.

Phillip dons glasses and longhaired wig, and approaches a group of young women outside a nightclub. (Which includes the babysitter.) It’s easy to lure them with a quick chat about helping them get fake IDs that will get them into the clubs. The babysitter introduces herself as Kimmie and Phillip as “Jim,” and they exchange numbers.

Elizabeth is working on her contact she met through A. A., who is an employee at the Northrop Company. The company is developing the Stealth technology.  Phillip is at home, quizzing Henry on the state capitals.  Henry has been largely absent this season.  Phillip receives a coded call about symphony tickets being available. It’s an impressive illustration of the level of sophistication of the Center’s operation.

Agent Gaad and Stan have a conversation about the Soviet defector, Zianda.  Stan’s intuition is tingling about her.  In a short period of time she has gained access to high government officials, maybe soon to include a meeting with the President of the United States.  Gaad is skeptical but trusts Stan to keep vigilant.

Nina breaks her silence and begins to tell Evi her story of how she ended up in prison.  Elizabeth has spent the night at her A.A. friend’s house Michelle, under the guise of “falling off the wagon.”  Michelle’s husband Maurice seems upset by her presence, especially when she almost is caught snooping in the kitchen.  When the women are alone, Michelle confesses that she had to send her kids to a relative’s house due to stress in the marriage.  It’s unclear whether Maurice has been violent, but he’s been out of work and the situation is volatile.

Phillip as “Jim” meets the young women from the club and gives them new high quality fake IDs.  Kimmie asks what he does for a living.  He tells her that he is a lawyer and a lobbyist for the liquor companies, who are trying to prevent a national drinking age. (Which sadly, Reagan passed.)  Kimmie had him listen to the new Yaz album on her Sony Walkman.  He likes the music and she is clearly interested in him despite their age difference.

Nina continues to tell Evi her own incredible story. Nina actually is honest about how she was a young KGB agent, on her first assignment in the U.S., when she was caught by the FBI sending contraband to her family.  Nina feels guilty about the ambassador that ended up in Siberia due to her actions.  Nina recounts how she confessed her spying then “ruined her second chance.”  Will Nina live long enough to have another chance, and what will the price of that chance be?  Will she pay for it with Evi’s life or freedom?

Stan and Zianda are at a diner having dinner.  She is very talkative, but Stan remains aloof.  Zianda seems incredulous that her safety could be at risk in the U.S.  She leaves to use the restroom.  Stan wanders back to assess the surroundings.  He senses she may be picking up information placed somewhere in the diner.  He sees a vending machine and buys her favorite candy bar, Milky Way.  When she returns to the table, he presents it to her.  She opens it and eats it immediately.  The message isn’t in the Milky Way, but is something amiss?

Phillip presents Paige with the new album by Yaz.  Paige is amazed he knew about the band that “all the kids at school are talking about.”  He knows because Kimmie is barely older then Paige!  Elizabeth is upset with Phillip buying Paige gifts for “no reason.”  Elizabeth takes a firm stance on not spoiling their children.  This sparks the argument that has been building about Paige’s recruitment.  Elizabeth is adamant that Paige will know about her parent’s vocation and make it her own.

She yells, “I’m doing it, with or without you!” And since that song hasn’t been written, the song “Don’t Go!” pulses on as we see Beeman return to the diner to search the bathroom for clues.  Stan looks everywhere, but the evidence or message is gone.  Nina fakes a nightmare, babbling in Russian “I love you, I’m sorry, I’m scared!”  Evi holds her.

The birthday dinner begins as Paige nervously answers the door to greet Pastor Tim and his wife.  Over a steak dinner, the couple recounts their student days as anti-Vietnam activists.  Tim speaks about his path to religion.  The atheists at the table seem bewildered.  Paige then reveals that she yearns to be baptized and discussed it with Pastor Tim before tonight.  He made it clear that he had to speak to her parents and obtain their permission.

Stan appears on Sandra’s doorstep again, wanting to talk.  Stan tells her he had an affair and he feels terrible about it.  Even though Sandra likely knew this, it still seems to hurt her.  Stan continues to say that he’s sorry and that he’s continuing the Est seminars and trying to become more honest.  The “mea culpa” falls flat as Sandra turns and goes back to her new home without responding.

After Pastor Tim and his wife leave, Elizabeth airs her frustration.  She feels Paige “set them up” and manipulated them.  It seems she may have more in common with Elizabeth then she realizes.  Elizabeth thinks she must stop this baptism nonsense now, and tell her the truth about “Who she is!”

The phone rings, and its Kimmie wanting to meet with Phillip. It’s surprising that he would give out his home phone number.  They meet in the park where Kimmie tells him that her dad hates lobbyists. He probably also would hate a KGB agent attempting to get close to him thorough his teenage daughter!  Kimmie looks so young in her pink sweater as the two listen to “Only You” by Yaz through her boom box. She is obviously a bit of a rebel, smoking weed and flirtling with older men.  This is uncharted territory for Phillip, recruiting a teenager almost his daughter’s age.  Yet, he is drawn to her young rebelious ways which contrast with the cold plotting of Elizabeth. Where will Kimmie and new wave take us?

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